Download the Partnering with Builders For Christ guide and read through it to understand our process and procedures.
If you are looking to expand or remodel your facility, be it a worship space, a school classroom, or a ministry center, consider partnering with us. For three decades, Builders For Christ volunteers have lent a helping hand on construction projects all across the United States—and even internationally—so that more people can connect with God. Our volunteer teams travel to construction sites and supply the extra hands and feet your church, school, or organization needs to complete a project on time.
Review the steps and fill out the form to request help from Builders For Christ.
Attendance at church events has grown by 28% on average after the completion of a building project.*
Over 250 people volunteered through Builders For Christ last year.
The number of church members engaged in outreach activities grew by 84.4% on average after the completion of the building project.*
Download the Partnering with Builders For Christ guide and read through it to understand our process and procedures.
Work to complete the necessary tasks as outlined in the downloadable guide before submitting your application.
Note: Once you have thoroughly reviewed the processes and procedures in the guide, reach out to the construction project manager. They will be available to assist you, answer any questions you may have, and guide you through the process. Their support will help you be fully ready for the project choice process.
To accommodate the number of applications, we ask that summer projects are submitted at the end of the year prior to construction (e.g. for a summer 2025 build, the application would have to be submitted by December 2024).
Winter project submission deadline: August 1
Summer project submission deadline: December 1*
*Year prior to construction date
Want to be part of a Builders For Christ volunteer project? Check out our available volunteer opportunities today.
Volunteer opportunitiesProject Manager, Randy Baker, looks out over the project site at Amazing Grace Lutheran. In just a few months the church went from being completely destroyed by hurricane Michael to being open for people to come hear about the restorative power of Christ.
4/29/2019 12:03:36 PM
During life’s darkest moments, the light of God’s love shines the brightest. Driving through the neighborhoods in Panama City, Florida, it is easy to be shocked by the severity of the damage. Hurricane Michael’s category 4 winds ripped apart homes, blew in walls, and displaced thousands. Yet mingled with the loss and the heartbreak, there is still hope even in the wake of devastation...