Disability Care
Disability Care
World Health Organization
For children and adults with disabilities, a lack of access to medical support, therapy, or proper education about disabilities can leave them feeling alone and afraid. Our Disability Care programs seek to dismantle stereotypes and provide care to people living with disabilities so that they can experience and know how loved they are by God. It also helps meet people's physical needs by providing things like home-based care and support groups for parents, teachers, and caregivers.
Our Ministry to People with Disabilities program in Malawi combines at-home care with Worship at the Cross, a modified worship service.
On the island of Grenada, our Disability Support program provides parents and teachers with the training they need to care for their child(ren) with disabilities.
80% of caregivers in Malawi noted that their child with disabilities was invited to play with other children after being involved with our Disability Care ministry. Previously, it was only 20%.
100% of teachers and 92% of parents surveyed felt less overwhelmed when working with children with disabilities after being part of our work in Grenada.
53% of participants in Grenada agreed that their faith grew as a result of attending program support groups.
Before joining our disability care work in Malawi, Ethel's mother was ashamed of her daughter simply because Ethel had been born with a disability. But all that began to change when Ethel's mother encountered the love of Jesus.
Read Ethel's storyBaby Elena was born with albinism in Malawi. Her mother, Fatima, fears for her daughters safety. But thanks to the Ministry to People with Disabilities program in Malawi, Elena is receiving the care she needs to stay safe.
10/12/2020 1:12:52 PM
On a bright, sunny day I made my way to Mpemba. This is an area just outside of Blantyre, the city I live in and where Kingdom Workers Malawi is headquartered. Although not far from Blantyre, the area feels very rural.
We turned off the main paved road onto a bumpy dirt track winding through plots of corn interspersed with village homes. As we drove, I thought about how beautiful this country is, and I felt grateful to the people I was about to meet for being willing to share their stories.