In the Indonesian village of Tunua, there lives a widow named Ibu Eny. Despite her four grown children not living nearby, she remains close to her local Lutheran Church. Ibu Eny is a woman of strong faith who enjoys attending church services and participating in various activities with her church family.
Featured Blog Post
Katie Morrow and Coral Cady Metcalfe 10/10/2023
In the peaceful northern region of Timor, Indonesia, the future can often feel predetermined for young women like Sandi. Many may marry early, working as domestic helpers or farmers just like their parents did. However, if we look back in time and ask Sandi about her dreams during her early high school years, her answers may surprise us.
Featured Blog Post
Katie Morrow and Lori Aschbrenner 10/10/2023
On a warm fall afternoon, sunlight filters through the windows, casting a warm glow upon the support group participants. In a quiet corner, Sarah clasps her hands, a soft smile on her lips. For years, the shadows of her past loomed large, but today she stands tall, an example of strength and resilience. How? Through the Kingdom Workers' Empowering Survivors program, Sarah found healing and discovered her worth as a child of God.