What happens after I make my gift?
You’ve hit the donate button. And as technology works on the backend to process your gift, perhaps you’re wondering, “What happens next?”
Or maybe you’re reading this wondering, “If I decide to make a gift to Kingdom Workers, how can I know that my gift is going to make a real difference?”
Whatever your reasoning for clicking on this blog, I’m glad you’re here.
Today we’re going to explore the three things that happen once you make your gift to Kingdom Workers. These three things go far beyond the emails we send you or the thank you cards that get mailed. I’m going to show you how your gift impacts the lives of people here at home and around the world.
I’ll also connect you to two resources you can use to look at the nonprofit score of Kingdom Workers (and any other nonprofit you might be curious about).
So, what happens once that donate button gets clicked? Let’s take a look.
1. Your gift impacts people’s physical lives
“There will always be poor people in the land. Therefore I command you to be openhanded toward your fellow Israelites who are poor and needy in your land.” Deuteronomy 15:11
We’re told by God to do all we can to care for those in need whether we know them or not. When you make a gift to Kingdom Workers, you can be certain that your gift is going to help make someone’s life better physically (and spiritually too, but we’ll get to that next).
At Kingdom Workers we have five key ministry categories that each of our programs fall under. They are:
So that $20 donation you made?
It provides someone like Reza in rural Indonesia with better access to clean water. It brings disability care programming to children and families like White and his mother living in Malawi. And it enables high school students like Kenny in Milwaukee to gain valuable construction skills.
Your gift goes to support these real people with real needs. And we want you to be able to read and hear all about these changes. That’s why we have our blog posts, podcast episodes, and our online newsletter. It’s a beautiful way for you to hear and see how your support is bringing lasting change to people in need.
And if you’re curious about how much of your donation goes towards supporting our program work, you can check out our ratings on GuideStar and Charity Navigator. You’ll see that over 84% of your donations go towards supporting the program efforts and staff that make this work possible.
Want to see how much of an impact we had last year?
Check out our award-winning 2021 Impact Report.
While many nonprofits around the world address the physical needs, your donation to Kingdom Workers takes it one step further.
2. Your gift impacts people’s spiritual lives
“In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.” Matthew 5:16
As Christians, we’d be missing something if all we did was care for someone’s physical needs while ignoring God’s command to share the gospel message. The reverse is true as well, we must care for physical needs while sharing the reason for our faith, “If one of you says to them, ‘Go in peace; keep warm and well fed,’ but does nothing about their physical needs, what good is it? In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead.” (James 2:16-17)
This is why at Kingdom Workers, our programs make it a priority to combine gospel proclamation along with physical care in an authentic, meaningful way.
When you give to support Kingdom Workers, you can rest assured that your donation is helping someone hear the message of Jesus’ love. Your $20 donation plays a role in bringing the hope of the gospel to communities living in spiritual darkness.
In 2021 we shared a story from South Sudan about how the simple gift of soap led to a conversation about faith.
During a Malawi WASH training in late 2022, a local pastor shared, “Regarding the number of baptisms, at first it was only 2 or 3 children. But now we have 15, 12, 10 because our church is active in the communities due to our work in sanitation."
Our work with clean water in rural Indonesia has allowed us to connect with two new villages where people don’t have easy access to the gospel message.

Community members from a rural village in Indonesia celebrate the gift of clean water and God's love.
Those are just some of our many examples.
We have data collected from our programs showing how gospel proclamation is helping people draw closer to God.
We know that all we can do is share the message. It is the Holy Spirit who helps people’s faith grow. And we are honored to be working alongside people like you to help make this kind of life-changing work possible.
Take a look at our award-winning 2021 Impact Report to see how sharing the gospel is making a difference in the spiritual lives of the people we serve.
And when you give, there’s one additional thing that happens that maybe you weren’t anticipating. Something that happens for you.
3. Your gift impacts your heart
“In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said: ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’” Acts 20:35
You know that feeling you get when you watch someone open a gift you got just for them? Depending on the reasons for the gift, maybe you even feel just as happy as the person who received it. Which is a rather odd phenomenon, right? But when you stop and really think about it, it makes sense.
God is a father who delights in giving good gifts. When God gives, He is glad to do it because he knows the blessings contained in that gift. God infuses that same level of joy into our hearts when it comes to giving.
That feeling of joy isn’t something to be ashamed of (unless you are giving solely to gloat about how much you give. God has a lot to say about that in Matthew 6:1-2). Instead, we should be encouraged by that joy. Giving is meant to be a blessing.
So, when you give, thank God for the opportunity and let that joy move you to do even more to love, serve, and care for those in need.
Because when we finally realize that the gifts we’ve been given can be used to bless others, we’ll start to experience the joy that comes from being lights of God’s love in this world.