By the time Tabia was born, the damage to her brother Kennedy’s body was permanent. At just three years old, he contracted polio and lost the use of his legs. Polio vaccines weren’t widely available in Malawi where Kennedy and Tabia were born in the 1960’s. This left children like Kennedy susceptible to the devastating neurological effects of the virus, and the social prejudices that existed against people with disabilities.
Featured Blog Post
Kimberly Joerres 06/23/2022
Adi Nafamnanu faced the camera, excitement and determination sparkling in his eyes. As he spoke, his hands lifted to his chest, “Kingdom Workers is so special in our hearts, they were really helpful to us. They have brought good changes to our village.”
Change like the clean water tanks Kingdom Workers had recently helped his community build. Adi was eager to continue that work in Niki Niki, Indonesia, where he lives, and that was possible through the recent Community Health Evangelism (CHE) training held in SoE in late March.
Featured Blog Post
Kimberly Joerres 06/20/2022
Today, in honor of World Refugee Day, we are sharing a select number of stories about the refugee experience. These have been chosen by Alicia Cortright, South Sudan Field Manager, and Daya Batim Moses, South Sudan Field Coordinator. Some of the books are best to read with your young child, and others are ones best saved for adults.