Imagine being able to send your child or grandchild off to college knowing they’ll graduate debt free.
Knowing that you have a solid financial future plan in place that can help you achieve your future life goals.
Ensuring that the organizations you care about can continue to provide gospel-centered Christian care to people around the world for the foreseeable future.
Imagine being able to do all of the above.
The first time someone told me I should consider planning my legacy giving in a will, I laughed it off.
“We’re not old enough for that!” I thought, “Planned giving is for retirees! Wills are for people with real money! My husband and I are barely adulting over here.”
However, the thought wouldn’t leave my mind, so I did some research to learn the basics of planned giving. Turns out, wills and estate planning are for anyone who wants certain things to be carried out after their death (yes, that seems obvious now that you say it, but hey—I was in denial about turning 30, much less planning for a financial future I could only just see). More importantly, a will also ensures that the money God has given us to manage continues to support people and organizations we’ve prayed about and that are within our sphere of influence. That influence can continue after we’ve gone through planned giving...